Creekside Wellness Center
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Rev. Dr. Allyn Newton
Traditional Naturopath
Linda Whitworth, P.T.
Amber Flippen - Pilates Instructor
Call us Today! 979-587-3262

Traditional Naturopath in College Station, Allyn Newton
"With the use of her violet laser, Allyn did an emotional release for a period long ago when I was very happy. After her work, I was even happier, freer, and pain free in an area which had been in chronic pain. I highly recommend Allyn."
Sandra B
College Station, TX
Allyn Newton
Traditional Naturopath
Reverend Sacred Medical Order Church of Hope
Certified Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code Practitioner
How It All Began
Allyn was born and raised in Bryan, TX. Although she was an athlete growing up and played softball in college, she did not realize the importance of proper nutrition and self-care.
Her journey to a healthier lifestyle began in 2002 while her brother was attending chiropractic college. The knowledge he shared with her sparked her interest in holistic health. After having a home birth in 2006, she was ready to make a career change from the oil and gas industry to the natural health field.
In 2010, she began her studies to be a naturopath. She also gained valuable knowledge working with several talented chiropractors and practitioners and through her own personal struggles with hypothyroidism and Epstein Barr Virus. She opened Creekside Wellness Center in 2015.
Reverend Allyn Newton
Dr. Allyn graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2001 from Northwestern State University with a Bachelor of Science degree. In 2014, she completed her Doctorate of Naturopathy from Trinity School of Natural Health. She was ordained in the Sacred Medical Order Church of Hope in 2021.
Other training and continuing education includes:​
Certified SomaEnergetics Practitioner - 2010
Certified Emotional CPR Practitioner June - 2010
Brimhall 6 Steps to Wellness Certification - April 2010
Brimhall 1 day Nutrition Seminar - November 2010
Certified Natural Health Professional - 2011
Brimhall 2 day Seminar - August 2011
Brimhall 2 day Seminar - September 2011
Nutriwest 2 day Seminar - October 2011
Reflexology CNHP - July 2012
Brimhall Seminar with Xymogen - October 2012
Clinical Aromatherapy CNHP - October 2013
Brimhall 2 Day Seminar - April 2014
Science Based Nutrition, Dr. Van Merkle - July 2014
Mastering the Thyroid - September 2014
Nutri-West Winter Symposium, The Brain – January 2015
Mastering Blood Chemistry – February 2015
Epigenetics & Methylation, Combining Muscle Testing & Genetic Lab Analysis – May 2015 & September 2015
Apex SIBO – June 2015
Nutriwest Winter Symposium, Neuro, Immune or Hormones - Jan 2015
ASA Balance Advanced Training – March 2016
Advanced: Understanding Genetic Defects in Methylation - April 2016
Methylation: New & Improved Techniques for Your Practice - April 2017
Simplifying the Immune System's Complex Concepts - April 2017
Taking Aim at Chronic Pain - July 2017
Underneath it all: Methylation & Hormone Balance - October 2017
Functional Medicine Meeting "Cardiometabolic Disease" - Sept. 2018
Understanding Genetic Defects in Methylation - Oct. 2018, April 2019
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner - July 2019
Certified Body Code Practitioner - July 2020
Ordained Reverend Sacred Medical Order Church of Hope - Nov 2021
Certified Belief Code Practitioner - Nov. 2023
Supporting Mind, Body, and Spirit
"The doctor of natural health will guide the client/patient on how to support the body, soul, and spirit so it can heal itself, using natural remedies and/or prayer."
As a Traditional Naturopath, Allyn enjoys helping others feel better emotionally and physically. She understands there are many stresses in life and that everyone needs a coach and supporter in their corner. Allyn listens to what each client wants and uses a variety of tools and methods to help them achieve their goals. These may include nutritional support, cold laser therapy, body work, homeopathics, sound therapies, emotional release techniques, detoxification, and more.
"The Almighty bestowed upon mankind all things natural, whether food or medicine, whether the laying of hands, whether counsel or prayer or whether another remedy not contrary to the Word. He gave these things to heal suffering; He gave them as divine tools for His workers." -PMA Constitution
Enjoying Life
When not working, Allyn loves spending time with her daughter, family and friends, and three cats. She also enjoys ballroom/country western dancing. She is a proud supporter of Aggie athletics, especially the women’s basketball and softball teams.