Creekside Wellness Center
& Shoppe
Rev. Dr. Allyn Newton
Traditional Naturopath
Linda Whitwort, P.T.
Amber Flippen - Pilates Instructor
Call us Today! 979-587-3262
Useful Resources & Links
Useful Web Sites
Second Aid Travel Kits (natural remedies to have on hand when traveling)
Dr. Amy Yasko (Dr. Yasko’s integrative healthcare practice specializes in chronic inflammation, immunological and neurological disorders.)
EFT (aka Turbo Tapping)
AncestryDNA (Genetic saliva test)
Electromagnetic Smog Information (Great all around resource for dealing with EMF problems)
Antenna Search (Find out how many cell phone and radio towers are around you.)
Recommended Videos
Food Matters – A must watch for anybody trying to convert from the Standard American Diet (SAD), to a health promoting diet, such as Paleo. (Available in full on Netflix)
Take Back Your Power - A must watch for anybody dealing with chronic illness, or those who seek and value freedom. This will help you understand the connection between the unseen electromagnetic smog in your living space and its effects on your health.
Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines and What the CDC documents actually say – A must watch for anybody wanting an objective look at the science, SOURCED STRAIGHT FROM THE CDC, relating to vaccines and vaccination policy.
Vaccine Website (If you’re wanting information about vaccines , this is a good place to start. Vaccines are certainly not without risk!)
Vaccine Exemptions (You have rights…USE THEM!)
Vaccine Toxic Load Calculator (Calculate the amount of known toxins delivered by vaccines)
Biological Dentistry Information (Dr. Hal Huggins website devoted to holistic dentistry and the dangers of silver tooth fillings, root canals, cavitations and the role they play in chronic illness.)
Nutritional Supplements
These are some of the brands that we carry in-office:
Apex Energetics
Mother Earth Labs
Argentyn Silver