Creekside Wellness Center
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Rev. Dr. Allyn Newton
Traditional Naturopath
Linda Whitwort, P.T.
Amber Flippen - Pilates Instructor
Call us Today! 979-587-3262
What is Applied Kinesiology?
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing.
AK has provided practitioners (DC’s, DM’s, DO’s, MD’s, DDS’s,PSc.D’s, acupuncturists) with a useful tool in understanding the holistic connections within the mind-body, and has provided insight into the subtle interconnections between organ/gland function to muscles. In short, the body organizes itself in circuits (acupuncture meridians), and when an organ (which is a master switch on the circuit) is impaired in function, there will be a manifestation in muscle imbalance (weakness) within the body.
For example, say the kidneys are being stressed due to toxic accumulation of a heavy metal that will manifest as a weakness within a kidney related muscle (psoas). (This may occur well before conventional lab tests may indicate this problem.) What may be felt symptomatically is back pain, due to the relationship between the kidney’s and the lumbar spine supporting psoas muscles.
It’s this organ muscle testing relationship that is at the root of many apparently structural complaints that respond poorly to straight chiropractic or physical therapy approaches. Have you ever heard of someone seeing a chiropractor or PT once or twice a week for over a year, or longer, and not seem to resolve their low back pain problem? There’s a good chance the problem didn’t have a structural origin in such cases.
The Triad of Health
A model for ideal health is seen by viewing a perfectly balanced triangle. When someone is healthy, they have a perfect balance between mental/emotional, biochemical/nutritional, and structural aspects of their mind-body.
If one side of a triangle becomes out of balance, so do the other sides. Likewise, a structural imbalance in the neck can alter neurological communication to an organ, like the stomach, which may lead to improper acid production in the organ, and a resulting overgrowth of harmful microorganisms within the small and large intestines. A more common reaction of mental affecting chemical and structural, would be receiving news of an unexpected death. The shock of such news can make one sick to their stomach (mental affecting chemical), and such mental tension can translate into tight muscles around the neck, causing a “stiff neck”. The reality is that these interconnections between the mental, structural, chemical aspects of the mind-body occur well before they become obviously symptomatic.
Disease Progression
Medical doctors are trained at treating disease, but there is much dysfunction that occurs before the body has reached a diseased state. This explains why someone can feel poorly and have a thorough examination by a medical doctor, only to be told nothing is wrong. In reality, something is clearly wrong with the patient, but the diagnostic tools used by the medical doctor may not be sensitive enough to pick up dysfunction before it reaches a disease state. Ideally, treatment begins to prevent dysfunction degrading to a disease state. If the problem is heavy metals affecting the kidneys (example above), which in turn weakens the psoas, which in turn causes instability in the spine, which in turn causes pinching of a nerve in the lumbar spine, then a proper approach would be to identify the source of the metal poisoning, and secondly to realign the structure to eliminate the pain. Combining both in this scenario will provide the best path towards wellness for the patient. A good AK assessment can help properly identify this causal chain of events, and also specifically identify remedies most appropriate for that individual to help eliminate the toxin and repair the tissue.