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Cyd Cassone, Wellness Consultant

Cyd Cassone

Wellness Consultant


Cyd Cassone grew up in the Pacific Northwest and walking a “wellpath” of wholistic health and living is second nature to her. Organic gardening, herbal remedies, naturopathic healing, whole foods and natural, renewable resource products are choices that she makes instinctively.


Attending Trinity Lutheran College in Seattle, Washington, Cyd earned a degree in Theology and studied music. She later took classes at University of Oregon in Human Anatomy, Medical Terminology and EMS Training.  In the past eight years, she has been certified in Herbal Health Care at the Himalaya Herbal School and has received intensive training and certificates in Essential Oil Therapies, Enzyme Therapy, Nutritional Healing and Herbal Remedies.


Her previous work as a medical technician included hospital triage, sports medicine and physical therapy, OB/GYN Assistant, OR technician and Hospital Program Administration.  After a collective 18 years of working in the medical field, Cyd made the decision to follow her true, healing heart and begin a career in Wellness Consulting.  She worked with Brazos Natural Foods for 8 ½ years while attending numerous workshops, seminars and classes, increasing her knowledge and honing her skills.


Cyd’s focus is on teaching people how to claim their personal power to be as well as they can in the current environment.  She believes education is the key to true wellness.


At Creekside Wellness Center, Cyd offers guidance in nutrition, information regarding supplements and herbal remedies, Far Infrared Sauna, Detox Foot Baths, Essential Oil Therapies and Meditation Techniques.  She also makes available personal shopping for those who may be a bit intimidated by where to find what they need and how to interpret product labels.  When making dramatic nutrition changes, Cyd will come to your home and help you evaluate your pantry and make the best choices for your new path.


When Cyd is not busy with clients, she is raising her grandchild and enjoying life with her long time partner. She is also a professional musician and has toured internationally, performing on stages ranging from small pubs and coffee shops to large performance halls and major festivals. She has recorded several CD's and has participated in the recordings of numerous other artists. She plays drums, percussion and guitar and sings. "Music is my heartbeat... it feeds my soul. I can't be without music in my life. Music heals people."


"Experiencing positive changes in my own life through nutritional healing and walking a path which supports my whole health, mind, body and spirit, has given me a passion for helping others find their path to wellness. It is an honor to be a part of that journey." 







Notice: Cyd Cassone is licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association to provide natural health services to individuals registered in the Member Share Network.  All information on this website is intended solely for registered members of the network and for individuals interested in learning more about natural health services.  If you wish to receive services, member registration is free and may be completed on-line here.  Note that if you have a complaint on our services, complaints on pastoral licensed services should be directed to  If wish to check the status of our license, you should contact the Pastoral Medical Association.

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